Free Plugins from VASST Software

These plug-ins are offered absolutely free as a way of saying THANKS to our existing VASST customers and our potential future VASST customers. All of these plug-ins require Sony Vegas Pro. They do not work with MAGIX software or Sony Movie Studio (sorry).

Copywriter 1.3.0


Add copyright information to all your veg files instantly with this FREE application from VASST. Simply fill out the information in the interface, and execute. All your veg files will have copyright and summary information embedded. This can work on a single veg file, or batch-write to all selected veg files on your system.

Compatability: Vegas Pro 6.0 – 12.0


DVD Prep 1.5.0


Single button rendering to DVD from the Vegas timeline, this application preps the DVD and AC3 files, placing them together for DVD Architect to find and place correctly. You can select from NTSC, PAL, or 24p formats and render in Normal (4:3) or Widescreen (16:9) aspect. DVDPrep will correctly prepare your files for DVD authoring in applications such as DVD Architect. New in version 1.1 DVDPrep now always includes markers and automatically senses project audio settings for AC3 Stereo or 5.1 Surround.

Compatability: Vegas Pro 6.0 – 12.0


PIP Selector 1.3.0


You make a selection and then run the PIP Selector script. VASST PIP Selector makes a PIP for the duration of the selection with a ease in/out duration and a placement in any of the 4 corners or center. Super speedy picture in picture effects that will reveal other information and then back to full screen again with this simple but time-saving script.

Compatability: Vegas Pro 6.0 – 12.0


SubText 1.5.0


Create your subtitles in Microsoft Word or other text editor, and apply this application. You can even import DVD Architect .SUB files. SubText will then place/generate regions into your project with the subtitle as the label, saving you enormous amounts of time. Your text must be in .txt or .sub format; SubText won’t import .rtf or .doc formatted documents. SubText will also Export regions to a DVD Architect .SUB formatted file. New Version 1.2 adds the ability to create multi-line subtitles by adding a vertical bar {|} between the text you want on a new line.

Compatability: Vegas Pro 6.0 – 12.0


Trackalizer 1.8.0


Trackalizer will help you export your audio tracks as separate audio files for easy import into other programs. You can choose any render format that Vegas Compatability:. Trackalizer will even automatically sense and render Mono and Stereo tracks with separate templates. There are additional rendering templates that you can install for 48K and 96K sample rate at 24bit sample depth.

With Trackalizer, each audio track that you include can be a continuous audio file starting at the beginning of the project and continuing to the end or you can just render the looped/selected region. There is also an option to export without any FX so you can process the tracks in another multi-track audio application.

Trackalizer can now render named regions to separate audio files using the region name as the filename. It also has an option to change the project title to match the region name before rendering so that ID3 tags will be updated correctly when rendering to formats like MP3.

Compatability: Vegas Pro 6.0 – 12.0


Notepad 1.2.0


As the name implies, Notepad is a place where you can maintain notes about your project. These notes can be saved in the project file or as a separate RTF document along side the project file. Because Notepad is a Vegas Command Extension, it is a dockable window that can be placed in the dock alongside the other Vegas tabbed windows. It can remain always open in Vegas Pro and will auto-load your notes with your projects.

Compatability: Vegas Pro 8.0b – 12.0
